Friday, April 13, 2012

An Odd Time to Start Blogging

Has your creative mojo ever abandoned you? I am an avid crafter in search of my creative mojo. Have you seen it. I have a fab art studio / craft room in my home, but it has gone pretty much unused for months now. Every time I go in there, I produce what is in my estimation CRAP. I troll other blogs that I love, but it hasn't brought my mojo back. Don't get me wrong, I love what I see. I feel inspired, but when I get into my craft room, the inspiration is gone. Poof!

I'm desperate!

I'm determined to get my mojo back. So, I've decided to challenge myself publicly. I will copy (yes COPY - as close as I can with my supplies and tools) cards and projects from magazines, blogs, YouTube, etc. I will produce at least one project each week. I will produce more if I can, but right now even one will be an accomplishment. I hope that this exercise will bring my own mojo back.

Some sources of inspiration will be: DamaskLove (Amber), Ashley Newell, Moxie Fab, Papertrey Ink, my butterflykisses (YouTube), Cards magazine.